An aesthetician is injecting a woman's jowls to remove excess fat.

Chin Fat Removal

Diminish the double chin with a treatment tailored to you.

Excess fat accumulation under the chin, commonly referred to as a “double chin”, can create an older and heavier appearance. Kybella is an injectable treatment that is used to target unwanted submental (beneath the chin) fat without the need for surgical intervention.

Kybella® Fat Reduction

KYBELLA® (Deoxycholic Acid) is a minimally invasive treatment option for fat reduction, and is the first FDA-approved pharmacologic agent used to target moderate to severe accumulation of fat under the chin.

It is the molecule found in bile, which is responsible for breaking down fats in ingested foods. It is administered as a series of injections that target and permanently destroy fat cells in the area treated.

A woman undergoes Kybella injections to remove her double chin.

Kybella® in Hollywood, FL

Discover the magic of Kybella at Juliet Lee Aesthetics in Hollywood, Florida - Say goodbye to double chins and hello to a sculpted jawline!

A young woman with a defined jawline looks in the mirror and caresses her smooth, soft cheek.

The number of treatment sessions and the amount of product used will vary depending on the severity of fullness in the submental area. Results will be gradual, with continued improvement following each subsequent session.

Swelling afterwards is typical and can last for a week or more depending on how much product is used. While Kybella is currently only FDA-approved for the submental area, it can be used for other unwanted areas of discrete fat.

Created by DearDoc

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