An aesthetician performing a facial to a young woman.

Skin Rejuvenation in Hollywood, FL

Refresh and renew your skin with the perfect derma peel at Juliet Lee MD Aesthetics. The only medium-depth chemical peel with the master ant-oxidant GLUTATHIONE suitable for all skin types and conditions.

Chemical Peels Benefits

The perfect derma peel is formulated with a unique blend of acids and antioxidants that will:

  • Improve the clarity, tone and texture of the skin.

  • Reduce hyperpigmentation.

  • Control acne and improve the appearance of acne scars.

  • Soften fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Reduce the appearance of pores.

  • Stimulate the production of collagen and elastin for firmer, brighter, more youthful skin.

A cheerful young African-American woman in a green blouse strokes her cheek.

Chemical Peels in Florida

Unveil your true beauty with Chemical Peels at Juliet Lee Aesthetics, Hollywood's secret to radiant, flawless skin!

A woman is getting a chemical peel in Hollywood
What is a derma-perfect peel?

A Derma Perfect peel is a medium-level chemical peel that contains powerful ingredients of acids and antioxidants, including TCA, Kojic Acid, Retinoic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, Vitamin C and Glutathione.

What are the ingredients used in a peel?

Peel Ingredients:

  • TCA – Chemical cauterant for exfoliation.
  • Phenol – Chemical cauterant exfoliates and numbs the skin.
  • Retinoic Acid (Vitamin A) – Exfoliates.
  • Salicylic Acid – Digests surface cells.
  • L-Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) – Antioxidant & brightens.
  • Glutathione – The peel’s blend of acids delivers Glutathione deep into the basal layer where it improves cellular health.
  • Kojic Acid – Antibacterial and suppresses pigments applied to the entire face or to specific areas, such as around the mouth, to peel away the skin’s top layers and restore a smooth complexion.
How do chemical peels work?

As skin ages, the turnover of new skin cells replacing old cells slows down, leading to visible signs of aging, from wrinkles to discoloration. Chemical peels work by exfoliating dead surface cells to reveal new, healthy skin underneath, restoring the skin to a smoother, brighter, more balanced state.

What is the process of a chemical peel?

The face is cleansed, then degreased to prep the skin, followed by the application of an anesthetic solution before the peel solution is applied to the face or body part being treated. The patient is instructed to wash off the peel after 6 hours, and given retinol pads, moisturizer and sun screen for post-care regimen. Skin peeling occurs around the 3rd day following treatment, and should be completely healed in a week.

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